Your place for comprehensive osteopathic knowledge and post-graduate education.

Course with Averille Morgan

on the topic “ Integrated Family Systems in Osteopathy“

Averille Morgan’s 7-week course will take place LIVE in September-October 2023.

Recordings of the course can be found on LoMeRio for all participants afterward, but online LIVE participation is a requirement for this course. These videos CANNOT be purchased after the course.


What else is planned? The online course is to be offered again in the fall of 2024 and we are planning an advanced presence course exclusively for all those who have participated in the online courses on November 9th and 10th, 2024 with exclusive presence participation, presumably in Stuttgart (Germany).

This is what you can await in the course with Averille Morgan

This online course in the field of biodynamic osteopathy offers an introduction to the osteopathic treatment of the family and the deepening of knowledge in the field, also through guided self-reflection, lively exchange and many practical examples. Averille Morgan will dive deeply into her unique ideas, valuable conceptions and years of experience of osteopathic family treatment in the course through lively exchange with all participants.

„Family Osteopathy“

One focus of the course is on the ideas of „family osteopathy“ and how to include the family in osteopathic treatment and what beliefs mean to a family. In the course we will also look at the role of language in treatment, as well as the importance of the „field effect“ in family treatment. How group dynamics play out and can be treated will be addressed.

Participation in this course offers you the opportunity to gain a deeper knowledge of biodynamic osteopathy and its application to the family. Participants will learn how to include the family in treatment and how to effectively deal with group dynamics in practice. The course will share valuable suggestions and knowledge on how to meet expectations, emotions, spirituality and trust at the therapeutic interface to best assist families as osteopaths.

On the module days, you can expect a one-hour recording from 7:30 p.m., which you watch before you go directly afterwards into a LIVE exchange at 8:30pm with Averille Morgan. In total there are six detailed English and German scripts and for the days between the course evenings there is a small homework assignment in the form of a journal with short additional videos to stimulate your self-reflection and enable optimal learning success.

The course will be held in English and German. Averille Morgen will teach in English with simultaneous live translation by Susanne Dick. All of the above scripts will be available for download in English and German. All videos are also provided with translation or German subtitles.

Would you like to participate in the course?

As a LoMeRio member you have the opportunity to participate in the course at a significantly reduced price, but we also offer you participation independently of a completed membership.

Overview of all course prices:

Averille Morgans Course

(for LoMeRio-members)

one-time payment of 120€

Averille Morgans Course

(without membership)

one-time payment of 320€

LoMeRio is available on any device | You have a 60-days return policy

As a LoMeRio member you have the opportunity to participate in the course at a significantly discounted rate, however we also offer participation independent of a completed membership.

Do you also want to benefit from the member discount and be a member on LoMeRio?

This is included in the LoMeRio memberships:

LoMeRio Membership BASIC

Mostly German content with few videos in English. Please read the information below for more details.

  • monthly congress weekends on different topics
  • Access to numerous videos on the LoMeRio platform
  • LIVE online events
  • Information about research in osteopathy and support for your research work on OSTEOPATHY SEARCH
  • monthly report videos from OSTEOPATHY SEARCH with interesting topics about research in osteopathy
  • additional courses on selected topics
  • Podcasts in cooperation with OSTEOKOMPASS
  • generous discount on all exclusive courses on LoMeRio

Sadly for the moment most content is available in German only. We are working on a broader English offer. An overview on all the current English content can be found here.

LoMeRio Mitgliedschaft PREMIUM

GERMAN ONLY: Please don’t sign up if you are not able to understand German.

  • alle Vorteile der BASIC-Mitgliedschaft
    • monatliche Kongress-Wochenenden zu verschiedenen Themen
    • Zugriff auf zahlreiche Videos auf der LoMeRio-Plattform
    • LIVE Online-Veranstaltungen
    • Informationen zu Forschung in der Osteopathie und Unterstützung bei deiner Forschungsarbeit auf OSTEOPATHY SEARCH
    • monatliche Report-Videos von OSTEOPATHY SEARCH mit interessanten Themen rund um Forschung in der Osteopathie
    • zusätzliche Kurse zu ausgewählten Themen
    • Podcasts in Zusammenarbeit mit OSTEOKOMPASS
    • generous discount on all exclusive courses on LoMeRio
  • Interdisziplinärer Kongress in Zusammenarbeit mit RIO:
    • live online dabei sein oder im Nachhinein online abrufen

Find out more about the LoMeRio-Plattform here:

(Sadly at the moment only available in German.)

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We look forward to seeing you on LoMeRio, your Anne and Dominique from