Your place for comprehensive osteopathic knowledge and post-graduate education

The Family System in Osteopathy

Online-Course with Averille Morgan

This is what you can await in the course with Averille Morgan

Averille Morgan’s 7-week course will take place LIVE in September-November 2024 (all dates can be found here). These videos can NOT be purchased retrospectively.

This online course puts the family at the centre of osteopathic practice and is ideal for those who have little time and are ‘busy’, because you can watch it at your own pace, flexibly and without time pressure within the next few months. Here’s how it works:

Videos will be released on LoMeRio every week from now on and then we will see each other live again on 4 November at the end. The course comprises 20 videos and therefore 14 hours and 43 minutes of video material plus the final LIVE meeting of 2.5 hours. Averille himself speaks English but Susanne Dick provides an excellent german translation of all the content.

Together we dive deep into the holistic osteopathic treatment of the whole family.

Building on the online course and exclusively for all those who took part in the 2023 and 2024 online courses, there will be a face-to-face course. This course will take place in Stuttgart (Germany) on November 9 and 10, 2024. Further information and the possibility to register can be found here:

Find out more here:

This online course in the field of biodynamic osteopathy offers an introduction to the osteopathic treatment of the family and the deepening of knowledge in the field, also through guided self-reflection, lively exchange and many practical examples. Averille Morgan will dive deeply into her unique ideas, valuable conceptions and years of experience of osteopathic family treatment in the course through lively exchange with all participants.

“Family Osteopathy”

One focus of the course is on the ideas of “family osteopathy” and how to include the family in osteopathic treatment and what beliefs mean to a family. In the course we will also look at the role of language in treatment, as well as the importance of the “field effect” in family treatment. How group dynamics play out and can be treated will be addressed.

Participation in this course offers you the opportunity to gain a deeper knowledge of biodynamic osteopathy and its application to the family. Participants will learn how to include the family in treatment and how to effectively deal with group dynamics in practice. The course will share valuable suggestions and knowledge on how to meet expectations, emotions, spirituality and trust at the therapeutic interface to best assist families as osteopaths.

On the module days, you can expect to watch a one-hour recording from 5:30pm before going into a LIVE exchange with Averille Morgan from 7-8:30pm immediately afterwards (German time zone). There are a total of six detailed German and English scripts and in preparation for the course evenings there is a small homework assignment in the form of a journal with short additional videos to stimulate your self-reflection and enable optimal learning success.

The course will be held in English and German. Averille Morgen will teach in English with simultaneous live translation by Susanne Dick. All of the above scripts will be available for download in English and German. All videos are also provided with translation or German subtitles.

All information at a glance

The contents of each module:


In topic, content, organization and time for questions

Module 1

“What does family osteopathy mean to you and your patients?”

Module 2

“How does your current osteopathic approach involve family in the session?”

Module 3

“What are belief systems which a family have about Health?”

Module 4

“What is expressed in an osteopathic dialogue with family? How is language expressed in a group dynamic?”

Module 5

“Does family in therapy create a ‘field effect’ which influences all? How is expectation, emotion, spirituality, trust met in the therapeutic interface?”

Conclusion and Examples

What our 2023 course participants say

Many thanks to Averille for the content of her course, which has broadened my perspective in treating the little ones with their families. Many thanks also to all of you who made the course possible.


I really enjoyed the course and gained many new insights and a new mindfulness. I would like to thank everyone for this – especially Averille.


Would you like to participate in the course?

As a LoMeRio member you have the opportunity to participate in the course at a significantly reduced price, but we also offer you participation independently of a completed membership. You can find out more about membership further down the page.

Course for members

  • Take part in the course live, ask questions and interact for maximum learning success.
  • Access the recordings afterwards and return to what you have learned again and again, because LoMeRio is your personal library!
  • The number of participants is limited

one-time payment 220€

Course without membership

  • Take part in the course live, ask questions and interact for maximum learning success.
  • Access the recordings afterwards and return to what you have learned again and again, because LoMeRio is your personal library!
  • The number of participants is limited

one-time payment 440€

LoMeRio is available on any device | You have a 60-days return policy

2023 was a complete success! Be there this year too!

The expanded view of the family was very inspiring. Thanks to your very helpful preparation and reminders, the course was very present for me. I found the “homework” very supportive and I watched most of the recordings again. I also find it a great added value to be able to repeat the individual parts. The energetic work is still relatively new to me, i.e. in the first interview I had the feeling that I was getting ideas and names for what I was feeling. As a result, I signed up for the course.


I really enjoyed the course! I have developed even more subtlety in observing what happens between family members and the conversations have also become more profound because I can categorize some statements more easily. It was also wonderful that Averille encouraged the exchange between us therapists. It was good to hear reports of perceptions that I also have myself … but had not yet put into words.
And it was so pleasant that everyone could take part, whether students, newcomers to the practice or old hands. Everyone was appreciated by Averille!!! I really enjoyed the last course because of the practical impressions, because it helped me to get a more rounded idea of what Averille was talking about.


Dafür steht LoMeRio

LoMeRio schafft eine einzigartige Verbindung und direkten Kontakt auf Augenhöhe zwischen OsteopathInnen und den ExpertInnen. Es bietet ein umfangreicheres Angebot zu einem günstigeren Preis, während wir kontinuierlich weitere Inhalte bereitstellen. Unsere Inhalte sind abwechslungsreicher und vielfältiger.

Das Gründungsteam sind zwei leidenschaftliche junge Heilpraktikerinnen für Osteopathie, die ihre Arbeit mit PatientInnen lieben. Ursprünglich ohne Kenntnisse in IT, haben wir diese Kompetenzen entwickelt und verwirklichen mit großer Begeisterung unsere Vision. Nach Annes Initiative 2020 gründeten wir 2022 unser eigenes Unternehmen. Mit frischem Wind für die Osteopathie und durch Vernetzung mit KollegInnen setzen wir Ideen um und bringen die Weiterbildung orts- und zeitunabhängig online.

Als kooperative, unabhängige Plattform ermöglichen wir einen weltweiten und kollegialen Austausch. Wir sind offen für alle: Bei uns ist jedeR willkommen, auch als SprecherIn.

LoMeRio ist die Plattform für osteopathisches Wissen und Weiterbildung! Für OsteopathInnen bieten wir größtenteils online und aber auch in hybride Veranstaltungen postgraduierte Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten an. Jeden Monat organisieren wir hierfür einen Online-Kongress, zu dem unsere Mitglieder Zugriff erhalten. Außerdem umfasst die Mitgliedschaft eine Datenbank mit weit über 100 Videos, die zum Abruf zur Verfügung stehen. Zudem stehen allen Mitgliedern OSTEOPATHY SEARCH zur Verfügung; eine Webseite, die deine Hilfestellung zum Forschen in der Osteopathie ist. Wie du bereits gelesen hast bekommen Mitglieder obendrein einen großzügiger Rabatt auf alle LoMeRio-Kurse.

Möchtest du auch von den zahlreichen Vorteilen profitieren und Mitglied auf LoMeRio sein?

Unsere Werte


Nicht nur von Zeit und Ort: LoMeRio ist von Osteopathinnen für OsteopathInnen, komplett unabhängig von Institutionen, Verbänden und Schulen!

Innovative Wissensvermittlung

Wir sind die Pionierinnen der deutschsprachigen postgraduierten Online-Weiterbildung in der Osteopathie: Ein Angebot, für das die Zeit reif ist!


Aus uns heraus eine erschwingliche Fortbildungsmöglichkeit, die die osteopathische Gemeinschaft zusammenrückt und stärkt.


Bei der die Begeisterung der Mitglieder und die zufriedene Zusammenarbeit mit SprecherInnen im Fokus steht.


Wir sensibilisieren und ermutigen dazu, alternative Wege der Weiterbildung zu nutzen und Reisen zu Fortbildungen zu reduzieren. Natürlich brauchen wir jedoch Strom, insbesondere auch für unseren Server. Deshalb haben wir einen deutschen, mit Ökostrom betriebenen Anbieter gewählt. Wir setzen aber noch einen drauf und pflanzen außerdem mit jeder Bewertung Bäume.


LoMeRio hält das so oft mündlich vermittelte Wissen in der Osteopathie fest: dafür setzen wir uns ein und dafür, diese Expertise von Kollegen und Kolleginnen für Osteopathen und Osteopathinnen zugänglich zu machen.

Sei auch dabei!

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